This is the next cast update of mine for
this CSI: Cyber blog. I decided to buy both a DVD rack and the first season of
Without a Trace. So that’s still more of this franchise to get (the parts of it
that I am getting, at least). I still need to figure out potential guests to do
reviews of what I can’t. I’ll probably ask on facebook.
Patricia Arquette: The main star of
CSI: Cyber has future projects mentioned on imdb right now. There is a pretty
notable sequel in the work that she is doing. While we don’t know what role she
might have in the movie, it looks like she will be lending her voice talent to
that of Toy Story 4. Another role that I found her in is some sort of
project named Permanent. I don’t know what type of thing that is off
hand. It is some sort of comedy, but it doesn’t mention if it is a movie or TV series.
Story 4: I still don’t know what to make of this movie. Most of us probably
found the idea of Toy Story 3 to be ridiculous, but loved the movie when we saw
it in the end. Fourth installments of movies tend to get intense hatred from
critics and fans. I’ll let you know my thought eventually when I’m able to see
it. But its release date is a long ways off. On June 15th, 2018,
this movie will be released. There is not yet a trailer for it, but they
probably aren’t anywhere near that far into making the movie to have even a
teaser for it just yet. Likewise, I will keep track of any information about
this film as long as it is still has either Patricia Arquette or someone from
this movie in it. I don’t know why she wouldn’t be in it, but things could
change regarding what was originally announced.
Permanent: There is practically nothing
known about this movie or TV show just yet. Imdb doesn’t even have a potential
plot for it yet. I’m guessing that it is a movie. It has no release date yet,
but it says that it would be sometime in 2017. The status of the movie
is listed as filming. I’ll have to do more research for the next update.
MacNicol: This actor left CSI: Cyber after just one season with it and then
pretty much nothing interesting has happened with him in either television or
movies. The only thing that I can make for him in terms of new projects is Tangled:
Before Ever After. Now this will not get its own section yet. Why is that?
For now, this is not going to appear as a show until 2017. And that’s
provided that it actually becomes a show. Besides that, I’m not convinced at
the moment that Peter is going to have a long term role in the show. There is
nothing else new to report.
Van Der Beek: So far, the only new project in the future for this actor is something
called Carters Get Rich. I don’t know much, if anything, about this
project. It doesn’t actually seem like much of anything just yet. It looks like
it is moving forward. It will air on Sky 1. Since Sky 1 is an international channel,
I don’t know if it will air in the US or not. I’m guessing that it probably
will at some point. Anyways, there is more information about that in the next
paragraph. I hope that this actor has a major role in it. I think that he does,
but I’m not entirely sure about it right now. We’ll see what happens. There is
nothing else new to report.
Get Rich: This is a comedy of some sort that relates to a family that lives in
rags wanting to reject potential riches that they think could ruin them. This
is an interesting premise, actually. I hope that it airs on PBS so I can watch
it. If not, hopefully I can get a guest reviewer for it. It might not have a
release date yet, but it says that it should be available sometime this year in
2016. More information will be added as it becomes available. There is
nothing else new to report.
Moss: Shad doesn’t seem to have anything new projects that imdb knows about, if
he has any at all. So I’ll have to hope for future updates in later months,
because he doesn’t have anything new right now. Also, when was he known as Bow
Wow and why was he known as that? I’ll have to do more personal research into
that, although I’m not sure it is worth mentioning in this update. I guess he
used to be a rapper. There is nothing else new to report.
Koontz: Here is another CSI: Cyber actor who doesn’t have anything new yet for me
to write about in this blog. So there might be something good in the future for
him. There might be something bad in the future as well. There is nothing else
new to report.
Kiyoko: She has a movie in the works called XOXO. That’s all the new projects
of hers that I know of at the moment. She has starred in horror movies in the
past, so there’s always the potential for her to return to that. There is
nothing else new to report.
XOXO: This movie is about six people
sharing some strange romantic night of some sort. It looks like a romantic
drama of some sort. The release date for it is August 26, 2016, meaning
that it should be out now as of this update. I’m not sure if I’m going to
be able to see it since it appears to be a Netflix exclusive. I don’t know if
it will ever be available on DVD for me to watch without Netflix. I’ll check
back later for more updates. I also hope to find a guest reviewer for this
movie or hope that it would be available to rent sometime at my video store.
I’m not getting Netflix just to watch this. There is a trailer for the movie
Thoughts on trailer: It looks like an
interesting trailer. I’d have to say that it was a vague trailer of some sort.
I can’t tell yet if it is one of those famous controversial trailers that make
a movie look better than it is. I’m not entirely sure if I have seen one of
those. Anyways, it looks like the movie is a fairly normal movie of some sort
although it might have some weird parts to it. The trailer does make me
interested in seeing the movie. I hope that it’s not a misleading trailer.
is the point where I should post a review of the movie, but I can’t as I am not
able to watch this. If anyone reading this is able to see the movie and wants
to do a review of it, then let me know. If you want to review the movie, comment
on this post with your review. In the meantime, I’ll see if it ever gets
released to DVD so I can actually watch it out of Netflix. I don’t know if I’ll
be able to review it yet or not.
Danson: This is the only actor who would for sure not have been on a potential
season 3 of the show. And his pilot was picked up so it’s good that he can
still be on TV for now. It looks like he’s going back to comedies. He will be
appearing on The Good Place on NBC. Any other potential projects are
unknown at the moment. There is nothing else new to report.
Good Place: This will be an NBC comedy on at 8:30/7:30 Central on Thursdays. It
will debut on September 19th and move to its normal time slot
on September 22nd. It appears to be an afterlife based comedy
for some sort and that Ted will appear on it in some sort of supporting role. I
don’t think that there will be anything to say about it until its premiere so I
guess I’ll just have it in these updates until I can actually review it.
E Zuiker: It would appear that for now there are no future projects in the work
for this franchise creator. He might be working on some sort of project that we
don’t know of just yet. But there is nothing known to the public yet. There is
nothing else new to report.
Mendelsohn: Sadly, there is nothing new in the immediate future of this writer.
Hopefully we’ll see something eventually, but it’s possible we won’t know of
anything until pilot season or next year’s summer schedule. There is nothing
else new to report.
Donahue: There’s no new information about this writer. I’m sure that she’ll
probably find something, but I’m not sure when. As of this month, there are
still no new updates regarding this writer. I hope that she does something.
There is nothing else new to report.
that’s all for this update. I’ll be back in the future with more updates. It
looks like the next future project that I can actually blog about here is The
Good Place. I’m not sure what else I could blog about in the future right now.
For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.