Saturday, February 15, 2020

CSI: Cyber season 2 review

I’m a bit overdue for a random blog post this month. I had to update other blogs and this is the first time I had a free post in quite a while. Now that I have this chance, I might as well review the second season of this show since I already reviewed the first. I don’t yet know if I will review the other seasons of the other shows in the CSI franchise that I care about unless or until I can see them again. That means that the only thing that I can review would be Without a Trace’s first season. But enough of that for now. I will get to reviewing the only other season of CSI: Cyber.

Season 2 overview: D. B. Russell joins the cast in the first episode and remains until the very end of the season. They thankfully don’t kill him off at the end. I felt that his move from CSI to CSI: Cyber wasn’t explained as well in show and was a strange choice. I could tell it was a gimmick to get people who are interested in the main show to switch to this one, but I do wonder why they didn’t pick a different man or woman from the main show to switch. There were plots in the season with a villain who only wound up appearing twice in the end. But there was a stalker and other things to keep people interested in the show this time in terms of recurring storylines.

How this season was different than others: Well, it wasn’t that much different from the first season. It obviously never gained any new fans as the people who hated it saw nothing new in the plot that they all thought was horrible. The only real difference was that D. B. was in the cast now.

What made it good: The plots were a bit better in my mind that they were the previous season. Some of it is exactly what one would expect from the other shows in the franchise while not being overly dark in some places or unrealistic in others.

What made it bad: Parts of it never seemed to work that well and it seems that it went nowhere often. Most of the characters still never had much interesting happen to them and some recurring parts of it didn’t really work as well as we’ve seen on other shows.

More thoughts on it: I would rank it as the better of the two seasons simply because there was more to it. I liked that they explained what happened to D. B.’s old love who never got a proper send-off in the main show. They gave a whole episode to explain more about it. The finale was good as it wrapped up all that it needed to and didn’t leave fans longing for more. In fact, it might have worked to well as there was not enough interest in continuing this show or creating a new one in the franchise yet. I have heard that there might be something happening for the 20th anniversary of the franchise, but won’t know for sure if something will happen until later.

That’s about it for this post. I can’t think of much else to say. Hopefully I’ll be able to write all that I want to see. I’m hoping that I can see more of the movies in View Askew in order to review them in this blog at some point in the future. For now, I have no way of knowing if that is possible for me to do or not. I hope to see you soon in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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