Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Good Place season 1 review

I am hoping at some point that I can review more of the View Askew movies. I might have run out of time to try to do something and think that a video store just recently reopened, if it has it at all. Until then, a theme that can cover the random posts in the future are posts on The Good Place and the seasons of that show since it is over now. Let’s get to it then.

Season 1 overview: We are introduced to the people who are called the soul squad later (I think) in this season as the six main characters who are with the show the whole time are shown in many ways. We learn through flashbacks all of the main character’s lives including Michael’s during the last episode of the season. We are lead to believe that this the good place in the afterlife throughout a lot of the main season until the final episode where it is revealed that it was the bad place this whole time. We learn why all of them are meant for this place, how Michael is really evil, and what is going on with Janet.

How this season was different from others: A lot of this season had to pretend to be something that it was not in the end. They had to pretend that they were in the good place when they actually weren’t. I would say that the twist at the end was one of television’s best and I’m glad that I stuck around. I am just unsure who else might have done that in the end.

What made it good: It was nice to keep up with the characters. Despite being flawed, they were all quite enduring people in the end worth watching. All the hints of the fact that this was actually the bad place are there the whole season and it makes sense in the end why the four humans are there. So much of what made this good were the seeds of Michael’s plan moving forward the way that it did and it all made sense in the end why it did what it did.

What made it bad: Too much of the flashbacks didn’t seem to serve much of a purpose at the time and did not always work in the end relating to the rest of the series as a whole. The mystery was a bit taken over by other details that bogged the show down. It wasn’t always as funny a show as it could have been.

More thoughts on it: I love this show and always have, even if the first episode didn’t have that great of a hold over the rest of the series. I loved the season finale, Michael’s Gambit, and think that it might have been the best episode of the series and all of 2017. It is hard not to like this show in the end and sticking with it for so long is the reason why.

That’s all that I can think of saying about this first season of this show outside of this paragraph. I really like this show and recommend that you see it if you haven’t already. The season finale alone is worth all of it in the end. I’ll be back later for the next post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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