Tuesday, July 19, 2022

A Crash Course to Without a Trace

While I might not have talked about it clearly before, since I’m including different people from old shows in my blog that aren’t this one, if I ever get to a full sleight of people, I would have to start a blog about that show in question. I now have everyone from Without a Trace and have that show back on my list of things to watch in the future. I now want to include some basic information about that show. I will list some information about the seasons and whether or not there are any holiday related episodes. I will post the link to a blog on it once I have one. And I only have the first season on DVD right now. But like I buy old Survivor seasons for one blog, I might start buying old ones for this upcoming blog.


Let’s start with season 1, the only one that I think I’ve seen in its entirety thus far. There are no holiday episodes in it. All of them outside of the penultimate one right before the two part season finale had focused on a missing person case, as one would expect. There wasn’t much in terms of character development. But it was a pretty good way to start the series.


In season 2, there were also no holiday related episodes (at least revealed while skimming the plots of all of the episodes on Wikipedia) so there’s not much else to reveal or notice about that this time around. It did have the show’s most controversial episode that it was fined for.


In season 3, there is a Christmas episode called Malone v Malone which takes place after the episode Trials. There aren’t any other holiday related episodes that season and I can’t or won’t be able to tell much about anything until I see them, not wanting to spoil myself regarding anything.


In season 4, there’s not too much to note at this point in time. It might be on DVD, but not officially. But if it is like how a lot of the old Survivor seasons are on DVD, then it should be fine and pretty much normal in terms of how it works.


In season 5, there are other potential problems with this season’s availability on DVD in region one. I may have to stop watching the show beforehand and not blog about anymore. I may have to get stuff on streaming in order to finish it off. I may not have to worry about this at all. Or a lot of other things may wind up happening in the long run.


In season 6, less episodes were made because of the writer’s strike. This was also when they had the crossover with CSI. The episode after Run called Where and Why was the conclusion of the CSI episode Who and What. At the fifth episode of this, I would have to stop writing and publishing posts in a blog on Without a Trace until after getting caught up to that point in CSI. The jump in production occurred after the episode Article 32 and after a few months of the show being off the air, it returned with the episode Hard Reset. I would write posts about the rest of the season, probably, if there was a gap with the blogging and posting of episodes. That way, they’d be done for when I could return.


In season 7, the final season, might be on DVD so maybe all of them are on DVD? It would be weird if it said that some of them aren’t on DVD in region one, although I’m pretty sure that they all are and maybe things just aren’t up to date on some of the Wikipedia articles. Anyways, I think that I remember liking how it ends, despite being surprised that it was ending at all. (I didn’t quite understand how and why cancelations occurred back then. It still doesn’t always make sense.) There’s not too much else to say about this.


And there you have it. Well, there’s not much to be had. But I think that I like this idea of a post for the most part to at least help myself understand the show’s connections and how I would blog about it. I think that all of it is on DVD in region one so there shouldn’t be any issues. Now you know sort of some of its connections with the other parts of the CSI franchise. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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