Saturday, January 21, 2023

Tech: Explaining the Blogging Hiatus Starting in December of 2022

If you are reading this post, then you either read my blog on CSI: Cyber or decided to read this post that I directed you to from another blog as I felt that this was the best place to put a post containing the reason why I put most of my blogs on hiatus starting in December of 2022. I am only writing the bulk of this once and containing other things that I find relevant to this post. That way, I won’t have to repeat myself in other blogs by saying there why I went on a break there. It was already a bit tedious enough having to come up with an explanation in each blog post that I told about the break and went on a break with. I am often pulling out posts right out of my ass as I don’t have enough time to do them.


Speaking of which, there will be no cast update for this blog this month since next week is given to a different blog and the week after will be a different month. This should be a good thing as it will give me more of a chance to get caught up on all of the shit ton of people that are in this blog.


As for what happened that caused the break in blogging, it was my grandfather’s death. I didn’t have to do much regarding that as other relatives took care of that instead. But I wouldn’t have had time the time to write posts then. There was only one other death that could have affected my blogs, but I didn’t need to at the time even though I would have given myself an out with one of them if I needed to. With my OCD having three days of the week occupied with posting blogs, alternating between this one and my blog on The Good Wife on Saturdays, my Madam Secretary and TV blog on Fridays, and just my TV blog on Sundays, it would have been impossible to try to keep up.


What could cause future breaks that aren’t explained in advance? Well, it could be a lot of things. I could break my arm, hand, wrist, or shoulder, being unable to type for a while. I could be hospitalized or in a coma. I could be legally prohibited from blogging for one reason or another. I could be kidnapped. I could die, in which case, people are supposed to comment on the last post of each blog saying that I have died and there won’t be any more posts of this blog. My house could be destroyed. There could be consistent internet problems. My laptop could be stolen or otherwise die. Any number of things could happen that I wouldn’t be able to tell you about in advance. I’d try to do at least one courtesy post when and if I could come back explaining it and telling people which blogs aren’t coming back ever.


How will blogs return this time? Well, when it comes to the ones that were alternating on Fridays and Saturdays, I will have to pretend that they were still doing that when I wasn’t posting and catch up to where they would have been now. This changes a lot of what could have been and, indeed, it would have been easier not to have this break so I could be ahead. I’m also planning to rig certain rolls to watch Survivor on DVD at certain times so things will be more manageable in the other blogs of mine that would be affected, even though this would mean I couldn’t see a movie on a certain day. But I could instead just ignore a primetime show that I have been ignoring.


The affect on my TV blog was the one I was most worried about keeping up with since I had a lot of big posts to do of them. Others will now have to wait until near the end of this year to do them. While some annual posts hadn’t been started or done yet, I have decided that the rest of January and all of February in that blog will be for catching up with what I wanted to do last year and will count as last year.


The affect on The Good Wife and Madam Secretary blogs will be a bit different than it could be. It was the blog on Madam Secretary that promoted the end of the hiatus as I wanted to tell people in my blog on CSI: Vegas even if some of that schedule wound up off, behind, or not done as of yet when it was supposed to be back already. I won’t know for sure how some of it will be changed or made normal as things go along. I’m still cutting out tons of random updates of my Good Wife blog for now and the future while also dealing with making sure it has a new regular time to post it next month. I also want to try to link it up with my blog on The Good Fight starting in April when I’ll have to change when that other blog was updated. I also don’t have much else to do with my blogs on Madam Secretary to change it and the new blog which I will link here now:


The affect on my Survivor blog is the most pronounced as I had to do the break during an ongoing season of the show, thus delaying when the last two episodes of the season would be posted. I still haven’t posted those two since other things have to be put in those posts and I haven’t yet done that as I get caught up on other things. I still have posts on old seasons to do that I’m waiting to post until the oldest season is up and other blogs are done with conflicting with it. I should have both of them done and written by now, but I don’t. I will post the next one of that on Wednesday no matter what.


As for the affect on this blog, I don’t have too much to say. While this was going with the longest streak of cast updates each month since it started, this won’t be the case since I’ll be missing this month’s cast update and won’t do the next one until next month. (I also have had less complete updates in this blog than all the other ones with cast updates since I haven’t always had the time to check up on what was going on with each person in the updates in time more in this blog than any other.) This will also mean that January won’t have people in the cast updates in the future for the time being.


Then, there’s the affect on blogs that shouldn’t have or wouldn’t have been affected by this blog. With it taking a while to get back into the groove, my blog on Elementary had its cast update delayed by a week and done without this blog needing to be done. My blog on CSI: Vegas went on as usual. I also couldn’t change or delay anything with my blog on The Good Wife as that had to be updated on specific dates and will be that way until March.


You might also be wondering how it could have gone, these blogs. Well, what I am now wanting to do in February, I would have done in January, juggling around blogs so that they can be updated at certain times and have updates at all. I could have gotten in some posts sooner that you’ll still see in each of the blogs as some point. I could have gotten more posts out, obviously. And I more than likely would have suffered too much lack of sleep and personal time for other things by focusing too much of this. While I normally schedule every update from December 24th to January 1st, I may not have been able to do even that at all. It is hard to know for sure. My Survivor blog would have had the when nailed down for this month and the last with it likely to have had its post on Borneo up by now.


I have mixed feelings about this hiatus. I could have even used it to better prepare my blogs for getting caught up, but I couldn’t even do that. Still, I’m glad for this break while also not liking it or wanting it as it messed things up a lot. In a way, I can also hating going back to these blogs as it means once again having to spend so much time on them in order to get stuff in them done. I might like getting back into the rhythm of things. I don’t know for sure how I’ll handle it. I pretty much have to come back to a lot of these, which is why I didn’t just abandon them in the first place. Plus, I don’t want to be like Alex Karav: This message isn’t to say that I’m leaving: it’s to tell you that I’ve already left. I will now be back with posts on all of my blogs and can only hope that things will go well with them. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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