Saturday, July 29, 2023

Tech: Facebook Blackout Fridays

There is something that I’ve started doing and will be doing for quite some time. But you should first be warned that this blog post will contain a lot of information in it about my facebook habits that are subject to whims as of late. While many things can happen and change with it, I’ll explain the main point of this while getting into others as well.


What is facebook blackout Fridays? Basically, facebook told me about it themselves after one of my friends on facebook posted about it and facebook’s algorithms let me see this status. Liberals that are annoyed about the pro-conservative content on facebook would refuse to get on the site on any and every Friday as a result. When I learned about this, some of my habits changed.


I did not originally give up facebook on Fridays. But my habits on facebook on Fridays changed. I could now skip any and all Fridays without consequence as normally missing one of my regular facebook days meant that I would have to wait until the next get on facebook day to get on facebook again. I could also even miss a get on facebook day and get on the next regular day should I know when it is. (For those of you that are confused, I have set dates on my phone as to when I normally have to be on facebook, but I can miss those and just wait until the next one. These changes from year to year.)


The other previous Friday facebook habit other than that was that I started posting 7 Daily Kos articles every Friday I was on facebook. This later changed to 8 and then became 9. I would also check memories on every Friday I was on facebook. But I don’t get on facebook on Fridays anymore.


Since facebook decided to let the insurrectionist, namely Trump, back on their site, I don’t get on facebook on Fridays anymore. How does this affect things? Well, Daily Kos has been scaled back to 4 posts on Tuesdays. I do facebook memories still, but it was scaled back. It was so scaled back and I was not on it enough that facebook forces it upon me on some other random days and I always check it. I also can get on facebook on any Saturday after a get on facebook Saturday known now as any anytime Saturday. I had anytime Sundays which were any and all Sundays regardless of it they were facebook days or not. If they weren’t, I could get on memories then.


Basically, any get on facebook Saturday and get on facebook Sunday were the ones where I checked memories on facebook nowadays. When I missed a get on facebook Saturday earlier this year, this meant that I could now check memories on any Monday that I was on facebook. This could yet happen with Tuesdays as well, but we’ll see.


I will also now be giving up facebook at times which will and could be sporadic depending on how often I see Trump content or other reasons that I just don’t want to be on. It would also depend on just how much it is. I saw a friend indirectly do Trump content in pictures they posted so that wasn’t as bad as it could be. If it is worse, that is problematic, but hasn’t happened yet. It wasn’t something by Trump himself, which I could have already blocked.


One of the reasons that I don’t even know how long I’ll be gone from facebook each time is due to how I have updates in my groups scheduled into the future. Thus, when the updates are close to running out, I’ll have to get back on.


Speaking of my facebook groups, it should be pointed out that in my political facebook group that is public (for now, although I’m unsure if I can change it), know that I will be doing election countdowns like I do on my timeline relating to North Dakota and their governor, now a presidential candidate, Doug Bergum. I plan to use Saturdays to countdown to Election Day in 2024, Thursdays to countdown to the general primary in North Dakota, and Tuesdays to countdown to the presidential primary in North Dakota, which didn’t have a date for it, last I checked. This is because facebook promoted this man’s campaign so you know that my facebook habits are not solely dictated by hatred of Trump.


What could get rid of my refusal to get on facebook on Fridays that is so huge that I don’t even schedule updates on Fridays? Well, only two things can at the moment. If Trump were to either die or not be allowed on facebook anymore, I’ll go back to my normal ways. I still have to figure out what to do with my YouTube habits because of them letting Trump back on (more will be discussed in my Elsbeth blog once I make that) and I have more to do with twitter one last time until it is potentially back to what it once was. I may even figure out if there is more of a way to give up facebook during Lent or at least do something with facebook every time it is Lent so that I’m giving up something with it. There’s not too much else to mention, so I will end the post here.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Recess: School’s Out Recap of Fenwick

While it was hard for me to best keep track of the character of Fenwick when I first watched this movie to do a blog post about, that character is still getting a post in this blog as I recap just his part in the movie. Please enjoy this post.


We begin with him with the group of people taking over a building and is told that they are to go to Third Street School to set up their base since it is the last place that they would expect them to be. I’m not sure if that makes sense, but that’s okay by me.


Later, he shows his boss the principal’s office at the school that used to be that person’s. At another night test of their experiment, Fenwick tries to explain to his boss the problems with his bullheadedness. When the kids are noticed, Benedict tells his minions to give chase.


Fenwick isn’t seen much again until the climax of the movie. He is told to fix a power outage that Gretchen caused. The problem is fixed and he is still around, but not really present or fighting much, at least seen on camera, with the fight at the end. He is arrested at the end, even being called a squealer by Randall. That’s all that he’s seen in this movie.


I can’t think of much else to say about his role in the movie as I finish this post. It doesn’t make sense for me to add much more and I figured that this is the best time to post this so I might as well cover the topic of school being out since it is July now. I hope that you enjoyed this recap. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Cast Update 7-15-2023

Well, I had no time to finish this post without having to skip a whole lot of things that needed to be done. I’m basically just going to do updates on people with projects that have come out or were set to after the last cast update. If they had no projects mentioned or they didn’t have release dates last I checked them in the last cast update last year, then I’m just guessing that it is still accurate, even though it might not be. I’m going to have to make sure that next month’s cast update is complete. I’m not even sure if one will happen at all so I might as well try my best to get it done. After the last cast update was also incomplete, it is very sad that this is also the same way.


Here’s a paragraph worth putting in multiple blogs. I’m going to share two of these that need sharing and this is the one that needs done first. You see, even though a lot of time has passed for me to potentially see movies and other things like that for these cast updates, I haven’t seen a lot of them just yet. I’m hoping to at some point, but am unsure how or when I’ll have the time. It will hopefully happen at some point in time so bear with me as you might be glad just to have posts back at all, even though projects still haven’t been watched.


Patricia Arquette: The main star of CSI: Cyber has future projects mentioned on imdb right now. She does a lot, or at least did in the past. We’ll see what all she will do in the future regarding shows she does. A new project that I see her as doing is Severance. She also seems to be in High Desert. Another project of hers that she is now doing is a project called Gonzo Girl.


Severance: This is a TV show. It is out now. The plot is about a company that is trying to take work-life balance to a new level, according to the internet movie database. That involves splitting their minds into two in a way. Here is a trailer for this now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: Maybe this is the only trailer or maybe there will be more. Anyways, from what I can tell of this, it might be trying to go for something, but also doesn’t seem entirely original, even though I couldn’t tell you what else this might be like. It could be an interesting show or it could be very confusing. Are they really doing this of their own free will? It seems otherwise. I hope for more clarification later. But this could be a good show that I might never see.


High Desert: This is out now. It is about a former addict who becomes a PI after the death of her mother. Sorry that this hadn’t gotten its own part of this blog before. Now it finally does as I understand it now and so does imdb.


Gonzo Girl: This has no release date yet or trailer. It is about a struggling writer having to work as an assistant for a novelist with a reputation. This seems similar to stuff that might already exist, but could be fine outside of that.


Peter MacNicol: I can’t find much ever, if anything, for this actor. I hope that I can avoid saying things about him in a paragraph that could easily wind up outdated forever as I’ve been known for doing. So I came up with this one until the next project he’s in. He will also be in Home Delivery.


Home Delivery: In this movie, apparently a fat model is expecting her first child. It might not sound too weird or whatever. There is no release date or trailer for this yet. I’ll have to see it to see if this might be good or not.


James Van Der Beek: There’s nothing to add for him. It’s interesting how things change. He went from having so many projects that I started cutting one project from this blog because of him and now he does not have any to cover in this blog at all.


Shad Moss: Since there’s no future known projects of his to keep track of for the foreseeable future, I’m going to cover one of his music videos in each of these blog posts for the next set of blog posts in this section until he does something worth covering in this blog again. I won’t do this in every blog post in case I don’t have time for it. I’ll try not to have that problem if possible.


Like This:


Thoughts on video: This starts out as a blatant plug to a new tour that he was doing at the time. The video is simple and song is good. I guess he just wanted to do something low budget? At least no women were sexually exploited in this video as they often are in just about any rap video. Still, it might have made more sense if that happened. What’s with the grayscale anyways?


Charley Koontz: He will be in something called Eat Your Heart Out. He will also be in Long December. That’s about it for now. We’ll see if he has more in the future or not. But that’s all that I can see of his at the moment in time.


Eat Your Heart Out: This has an unknown date of release at the moment. The plot will be a bit complicated as someone literally gave his heart away and needs to get it back in order to marry someone else. Seems strange, but I might like it. Still, it is a short and I don’t know how I’d be able to watch any of those. There’s a trailer for it now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: This looks kind of weird, but I guess that it works as an idea of what they can do with a film like this. I don’t know why a heart would be in pieces and can only hope that the cat didn’t eat any of them. I guess I’ll see if I can see what the short film is like if I’m able to see it.


Long December: This has no trailer at the time. It also has no release date. The plot right now relates to a struggling music artist trying to succeed at what he wants to do as the year comes to an end. That’s all that I can make sense of right now regarding it.


Hayley Kiyoko: With no music videos that I can think of worth mentioning in this blog and all of her time being spent on music and not TV shows or movies, I don’t know if there is much to add in this section at the moment, but will keep it here for now and hope that she does something new.


Ted Danson: Surely his time off of TV means that he could be doing movies in the meantime, but we’ll see if that happens soon or not. It looks like he is doing more now that I can finally see. He is in Curb Your Enthusiasm and that’s about it for now.


Curb Your Enthusiasm: This is a TV show on HBO. There isn’t too much to add to this section other than the fact that I would like to see this if only to see what this is about and if it is as good as people think that it is. Ted has been on it ever since it returned.


Anthony E Zuiker: After all of this time wondering if the creator of one of TV’s longest running franchises is ever going to work again, I see him listed as the producer in a project. He is set to help make something called Spearfinger. And there is good news in that he will have involvement in CSI: Vegas so his franchise remains in his hands.


Spearfinger: This has no release date at this time. I think that it will be a movie. It is about a Native American legend regarding a woman with sharp fingers who would like to frighten people. There might need to be more to the plot than that, so we will see for sure what will happen with this project later as more information becomes available.


CSI: Vegas: Not much is known or could be known about this right now other than the fact that it is going to be a new part of the CSI franchise after five years without a franchise in around the 21st anniversary of the franchise. It is on hiatus. It is pretty good in some cases.


CSI: Vegas: Status- Currently on hiatus. Why I’ve seen it- I’m a fan of the CSI franchise so I wanted to watch this new one as well. Noteworthiness- This is a continuation of the original CSI, largely focusing on a new team, but also bringing back people from the original team returning. Description- We return to characters from the original show solving new mysteries and dealing with potential issues of old teammates. Notable People- This has a lot of the original cast returning, including William Petersen, Jorja Fox, and Wallace Langham. It is also created by the same franchise creator as the four previous shows, Anthony E Zuiker. Pros- I felt that this was quite a good show and worth keeping up with. Cons- It can be too mysterious for its own good and also could ruin what’s previously part of the franchise. Note to Parents- Don’t let preteens watch this, but teens and older can. Recommendation- This is good and worth watching. My Viewing Habits- I plan to watch every episode about this to blog about it. Prediction- I don’t know if this is going to last now. You’d think that it would, but the main thing against it right now is whether or not it is just a short term plan in the end. It is going to last 10 episodes this season so we’ll wait to see if there will be more episodes and/or more seasons. Reception: great. Grade: B+.


Blog link:


Carol Mendelsohn: I will tell you about anything she is a producer of since I want to see something in these updates for her. I have no idea if there is something that she will be in, but I plan to keep track of what’s going on with her in the off chance that she does appear in something new. It turns out that she’s a producer in CSI: Vegas.


CSI: Vegas: Not much is known or could be known about this right now other than the fact that it is going to be a new part of the CSI franchise after five years without a franchise in around the 21st anniversary of the franchise. It is on hiatus. It is pretty good in some cases.


CSI: Vegas: Status- Currently on hiatus. Why I’ve seen it- I’m a fan of the CSI franchise so I wanted to watch this new one as well. Noteworthiness- This is a continuation of the original CSI, largely focusing on a new team, but also bringing back people from the original team returning. Description- We return to characters from the original show solving new mysteries and dealing with potential issues of old teammates. Notable People- This has a lot of the original cast returning, including William Petersen, Jorja Fox, and Wallace Langham. It is also created by the same franchise creator as the four previous shows, Anthony E Zuiker. Pros- I felt that this was quite a good show and worth keeping up with. Cons- It can be too mysterious for its own good and also could ruin what’s previously part of the franchise. Note to Parents- Don’t let preteens watch this, but teens and older can. Recommendation- This is good and worth watching. My Viewing Habits- I plan to watch every episode about this to blog about it. Prediction- I don’t know if this is going to last now. You’d think that it would, but the main thing against it right now is whether or not it is just a short term plan in the end. It is going to last 10 episodes this season so we’ll wait to see if there will be more episodes and/or more seasons. Reception: great. Grade: B+.


Blog link:


Ann Donahue: I have no idea how I missed this, but she’s in the new CSI: Vegas as well. I should have all of the main three CSI creators in this as they are all involved in some way (although, maybe not as much Anthony, which is weird), shape, or form. Still, enjoy this section on her that you’ve seen before with other people.


CSI: Vegas: Not much is known or could be known about this right now other than the fact that it is going to be a new part of the CSI franchise after five years without a franchise in around the 21st anniversary of the franchise. It is on hiatus. It is pretty good in some cases.


CSI: Vegas: Status- Currently on hiatus. Why I’ve seen it- I’m a fan of the CSI franchise so I wanted to watch this new one as well. Noteworthiness- This is a continuation of the original CSI, largely focusing on a new team, but also bringing back people from the original team returning. Description- We return to characters from the original show solving new mysteries and dealing with potential issues of old teammates. Notable People- This has a lot of the original cast returning, including William Petersen, Jorja Fox, and Wallace Langham. It is also created by the same franchise creator as the four previous shows, Anthony E Zuiker. Pros- I felt that this was quite a good show and worth keeping up with. Cons- It can be too mysterious for its own good and also could ruin what’s previously part of the franchise. Note to Parents- Don’t let preteens watch this, but teens and older can. Recommendation- This is good and worth watching. My Viewing Habits- I plan to watch every episode about this to blog about it. Prediction- I don’t know if this is going to last now. You’d think that it would, but the main thing against it right now is whether or not it is just a short term plan in the end. It is going to last 10 episodes this season so we’ll wait to see if there will be more episodes and/or more seasons. Reception: great. Grade: B+.


Blog link:


William Petersen: He hasn’t done much outside of CSI in the world of television or movies as far as I can tell. I think that he’s busy with stage work, the likes of which I will never see, probably. It turns out that he is still a producer of CSI: Vegas.


CSI: Vegas: Not much is known or could be known about this right now other than the fact that it is going to be a new part of the CSI franchise after five years without a franchise in around the 21st anniversary of the franchise. It is on hiatus. It is pretty good in some cases.


CSI: Vegas: Status- Currently on hiatus. Why I’ve seen it- I’m a fan of the CSI franchise so I wanted to watch this new one as well. Noteworthiness- This is a continuation of the original CSI, largely focusing on a new team, but also bringing back people from the original team returning. Description- We return to characters from the original show solving new mysteries and dealing with potential issues of old teammates. Notable People- This has a lot of the original cast returning, including William Petersen, Jorja Fox, and Wallace Langham. It is also created by the same franchise creator as the four previous shows, Anthony E Zuiker. Pros- I felt that this was quite a good show and worth keeping up with. Cons- It can be too mysterious for its own good and also could ruin what’s previously part of the franchise. Note to Parents- Don’t let preteens watch this, but teens and older can. Recommendation- This is good and worth watching. My Viewing Habits- I plan to watch every episode about this to blog about it. Prediction- I don’t know if this is going to last now. You’d think that it would, but the main thing against it right now is whether or not it is just a short term plan in the end. It is going to last 10 episodes this season so we’ll wait to see if there will be more episodes and/or more seasons. Reception: great. Grade: B+.


Blog link:


David Caruso: This CSI: Miami actor has done nothing in terms of acting for movies on TV since the show ended. This is because he is retired from acting. I’ll still keep him in the updates in case there is a change and he does wind up doing something notable in the future.


Gary Sinise: He has projects in the works like No Better Place to Die. That’s all that I seem him doing right now currently. I guess we’ll see in the future what else he might do. It could be a lot still or not that much in the end.


No Better Place to Die: This movie is about part of a battle during World War II. It has no release date or trailer at the moment. To date, Gary’s role is the only one that is in the movie right now and even his is just rumored so we’ll see what happens.


Anthony LaPaglia: I don’t know much else he could be doing as that doesn’t show up right now. Maybe he will do more or maybe not. One can only hope that he does more, but maybe he doesn’t need to. He’ll be in Florida Man. He’ll be in Antibody Heat. He’ll be in Boy Swallows Universe as well.


Florida Man: This is a Netflix TV show that is out now. It’s about a former cop who returns to Florida and gets a case that winds up lasting way longer than you’d think that it should be. I’m unsure what network it will be on or if it will be in America or not. I can only hope that I can see it, or maybe not given my lack of time for things. It may be out already. Since I’m unsure whether or not I can see it and am pretty sure that it is over now after its release, I’m removing it from the updates.


Antibody Heat: This is a comedy about the pandemic because that storyline hasn’t been done to death after production on shows resumed. Didn’t Connecting try this already? Anyways, it has no release date or trailer just yet.


Boy Swallows Universe: I want someone to read the plot of this on imbd and see if you can make a lick of sense out of it. It appears to have an unknown release date at this time and has no trailer. It also doesn’t seem to have Anthony in it outside of for one episode out of at least eight. But it is hard to tell for sure right now, if ever.


Laurence Fishburne: He’ll be in a TV movie called Rendlesham. He’ll be in another thing called Blacksmith. Yet another thing he’ll be in is Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. More things that he is doing are The School for Good and Evil, John Wick Chapter 4, Sneaks, MacGruber, and Slingshot. A long delayed thing he might be in is Black Water Transit. And, since he cannot possibly be in enough things at once, he will also be in The Sterling Affairs. Other new things he will be in are Megalopolis as well as Frank & Louis. Another new group of things that he is doing are Transformers One, The Amateur, Cellar Door, The Astronaut, and The Little Bedroom.


Rendlesham: This has no release date just yet. The plot relates to probably aliens in the 80s in England. I have no idea what network it might air on just yet. Hopefully, I will find out more about this in the future. We’ll see if this really is aliens or is something else entirely.


Blacksmith: This has a release year of 2023. In it, a man becomes a fugitive when his lab is destroyed. Hopefully, more will be revealed beyond that in the future and I hope that we’ll find out more then in the future.


Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: This is out now. It looks like it would be a kid’s show based off of these characters and would be animated. There is not much else to say about this as I don’t know what network or streaming service this will be on yet and too much of this is still unknown at the moment. There is a trailer for this that I will get into now. This may be out now, but I’m unsure yet if it is.


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: What am I even supposed to make of this? I’d have to say that I’m not sure that I’d want to watch this, but am waiting for a better trailer to take this one’s place to see if that would work instead. This seems too weird.


The School for Good and Evil: In this planned movie, boys are girls are taken to a place and trained to be either heroes or villains. It is out now. This could be interesting or could be generic. It can be hard to tell at times. Since it is unlikely that I’ll see this, I’m removing it from the updates.


John Wick Chapter 4: This has nothing much revealed about it other than being a film in this series. I have no idea what this series is about. I only know that it exists. This is out now. Maybe I’ll have to do more research into this franchise now and if I’ll even be able to see the first three movies if I even like the fourth one. (Of course, I have to make sure that I don’t judge a movie too much if I haven’t seen over movies in the franchise first, as I had that issue initially with The Bourne Supremacy, having not seen the first movie in the franchise when I saw it.) There is a trailer for this that I will get into now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: This looks like it could be interesting and exciting. I just hope that it doesn’t go too heavy on the action that there isn’t much of a plot and thus reason for all of the action. We’ll also see if this makes sense without having seen the rest of the films of the franchise just yet.


Sneaks: In this animated movie, we see to see sneakers try to return to their owners. The release date is unknown. What else is there to say about this for now? I have no idea, but hope that we will see a lot more of this in the future.


MacGruber: This will be on Peacock, a streaming service. I might have to use that account again. It is out now. This is based on a Saturday Night Live sketch which is a parody of MacGyver. I wasn’t sure how they got a whole movie out of it and now they are doing a whole show?


Review: Show Description- MacGruber is released from jail to help out with more cases that the government needs help with. Behind the Scenes- This is inspired by a Saturday Night Live sketch that’s a parody of MacGyver. It features some of the same people from both like Will Forte, who was also in The Last Man on Earth, and Kristen Wiig. Also in this is Laurence Fishburne. It is also a continuation of the movie. My Thoughts- This seems random and vulgar. It can be very inappropriate. But it has its moments of humor as well and could be worth seeing if only to find out what happens after the first episode. I give it three out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- This might last, but I’m honestly not sure if it will. I say that for now, it could. I’ll see what happens later. Where to Find- This is streaming on Peacock


Slingshot: This is about a mission to Saturn’s moon Titan with issues going on in the space movie. Is there any space movie that doesn’t have issues going on with it? I know that there has to be some sort of conflict. There is no release date of this yet.


Black Water Transit: In this movie, lots of criminals and law enforcement meet in regards to a shipment of illegal guns that a man is trying to get to his family’s safe haven. It was mostly filmed a long time ago so hopefully it will finally see the light of day. It doesn’t have a trailer. And, true to it being part of development hell, has no release date. This is gone from imdb.


The Sterling Affairs: This has a release year of 2023. It has no trailer just yet. It is about the downfall of Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers. It feels like a lot of shows, like this one (a miniseries), are about the downfall of someone or something. It doesn’t feel like we get enough stories of people gaining good things, like the movie that exists called American Underdog.


Megalopolis: This has no release date yet or trailer. The plot of this relates to New York City suffering a terrible disaster and then someone wanting to rebuild it. Ted Mosby to the rescue! It better be him. Or maybe it should be the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


Frank & Louis: This has no release date or trailer yet. It does sound interesting and something that I’d like to see. In it, a prisoner serving a life sentence deals with people who are suffering from memory loss. The plot might get obvious from there, but it still seems like it could be a heartfelt film.


Transformers One: This is set for release on September 13, 2024. It doesn’t have a trailer yet. I don’t think that it is related to the live action franchise as it is instead animated. It is an origin story about the relationship between Optimus Prime and Megatron set on Cybertron.


The Amateur: This is set for release in 2024. It doesn’t have a trailer yet. It is about a man seeking revenge for his fiancée’s death. It sounds cliché, but could be good or otherwise interesting. It’s hard to know for sure yet.


Cellar Door: This has an unknown release date. It doesn’t have a trailer yet. It is about a couple that move into a house, but aren’t allowed to open the cellar door. I’m guessing that this will be a horror movie as I can’t see it being anything but.


The Astronaut: This has no release date yet. It doesn’t have a trailer yet. It is about an astronaut who thinks that an alien has found its way to earth by following her. But if Laurence and this woman are the only known people in the cast, are they implying that black people are aliens? That’s racist!


The Little Bedroom: Like other things, it doesn’t have a release date or trailer. I don’t know what all there is to say about it as it basically just says that an old guy’s son sells his apartment after he is recovering so he moves in with a nurse.


Melina Kanakaredes: She will be in a movie called Wake. That is all that I see her in at the moment. She has done a lot of TV roles, be it main or recurring, so I hope to see more of her in the future. Until then, I’ll report what I know of what she’s done.


Wake: This has an unknown release date at this moment. Its main focus is on a lie of some sort that tore people apart. Something interesting must happen beyond that. I just don’t yet know what that will be. I look forward to seeing it, hopefully.


Kristen Bell: She is doing a whole lot still. Let’s see if I can cover all of what’s she’s done since The Good Place ended. She will also be in a reboot of Gossip Girl. Yet another thing that I see now is called Molly and the Moon. She should also be in The People We Hate at the Wedding. Also, it turns out that Family Game Fight is back. One last thing that she will be in, for now, is Zootopia+.


Gossip Girl: This is an HBO Max reboot. I never understood the appeal of that show back then and am perfectly fine not seeing this on cable or anywhere else. I do not know if I know anyone whom I could borrow the original series from, although I will not rule that out. Also, didn’t they reveal who Gossip Girl was? Is there going to be a new person doing that in the reboot or are we just expected to forget what’s been revealed in this show already? This is streaming now.


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: Well, it seems like there are some aspects that could be interesting to me, but most of this is not something that I care for. I never liked the idea of the original show, but never actually gave it a chance in the end. This seems like it is focused too much on sex and other aspects of life that I’m just not that interested in seeing on this show that I wouldn’t care to watch anyways. It’s a good thing, then, that I won’t be able to see it.


Enjoy this review of it:


Molly and the Moon: This has a currently unknown release date. It is said to be a musical and appears to be written by the creators of How I Met Your Mother. (Do people still like them after they ended that show?) There is no known plot of this at the time. Maybe it will be a movie, but could be something else. Too much of this on imdb is vague right now.


The People We Hate at the Wedding: The title explains a lot of this as a family has conflict leading up to a wedding. I don’t think that there’s much else that one could say about that. It is out now on Prime video. It has a trailer now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: I have no idea what to make of this. It could be good, but only if you are into or can tolerate dumb comedies. This seems to have elements of family drama and possibly romance as well. But it clearly has dumb characters in it. We’ll see if I see this or not and if so, whether or not it will be a quick review since it will be on a streaming site that I can actually watch on my own.


Family Game Fight: I’m not going to say much about this as you can check the archives of this blog until I have time to return to my TV blog which has the duplicate review of this that I can put back in this blog. Anyways, it is on hiatus.


Zootopia+: I don’t know yet if she will appear in more than one episode of this. What I do know is that this is a continuation of the movie of the same name (- the +). It is out now. I don’t know if I’ll be able to see it then or not.


Catch up on the Zootopia movie by watching this:


Counterpoint to the previous video:


Marg Helgenberger: One of the benefits to missing stuff in the updates is that she was going to be in a pilot that was not picked up so I won’t have to waste time putting any of that in the blog and then taking it back out again. She will be returning for more of All Rise. She’s set to be in CSI: Vegas now.


CSI: Vegas: Not much is known or could be known about this right now other than the fact that it is going to be a new part of the CSI franchise after five years without a franchise in around the 21st anniversary of the franchise. It is on hiatus. It is pretty good in some cases.


CSI: Vegas: Status- Currently on hiatus. Why I’ve seen it- I’m a fan of the CSI franchise so I wanted to watch this new one as well. Noteworthiness- This is a continuation of the original CSI, largely focusing on a new team, but also bringing back people from the original team returning. Description- We return to characters from the original show solving new mysteries and dealing with potential issues of old teammates. Notable People- This has a lot of the original cast returning, including William Petersen, Jorja Fox, and Wallace Langham. It is also created by the same franchise creator as the four previous shows, Anthony E Zuiker. Pros- I felt that this was quite a good show and worth keeping up with. Cons- It can be too mysterious for its own good and also could ruin what’s previously part of the franchise. Note to Parents- Don’t let preteens watch this, but teens and older can. Recommendation- This is good and worth watching. My Viewing Habits- I plan to watch every episode about this to blog about it. Prediction- I don’t know if this is going to last now. You’d think that it would, but the main thing against it right now is whether or not it is just a short term plan in the end. It is going to last 10 episodes this season so we’ll wait to see if there will be more episodes and/or more seasons. Reception: great. Grade: B+.


Blog link:


Rory Cochrane: It looks like he will appear in projects in the future. Something he is doing is Boston Strangler. I have no idea what else he might do in the future. If he’s doing more, I don’t yet know what it is or might be yet.


Boston Strangler: This has an unknown release date. It has no trailer yet either. But it does have a plot of a pair of women who broke the story of, well, the Boston Strangler and report on this person. We’ll see if this is anything like Big Sky. It wouldn’t be bad if it were more like how that show started out and not what that show wound up becoming later.


Carmine Giovinazzo: He is now doing a project called Un$uited. Hopefully I’ll see more of what he’s doing in the future. That’s all that I see him doing at the moment in time. Maybe he’ll do more or maybe he won’t. I’ll have to wait and see.


Un$uited: This is a show about someone who wants to become a professional poker player before finding out just how much he sucks at it. It has no release date yet or trailer. I don’t know what network or streaming service this will be on.


Eric Close: He is set to be in Investors. And that’s it for now. I hope to find out more about what all he is doing in the future as time goes by. In the mean time, I’ll have to figure out what all to say in each different paragraph so it will be at least three lines long on my computer.


Investors: This doesn’t have a release date yet. It also doesn’t have a trailer. But it does have a plot: an investor who cares too much about winning that he might lose more than just whatever the investments relate to. We’ll see if this is predictable or not.


William Jackson Harper: He is doing something called Dogs in Space. He’ll also be in The Resort and Landscape with Invisible Hand. Two more things that he will be in are Jodie and A Man in Full. He is in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.


Dogs in Space: This is a TV show. It is available now. The plot of it relates to genetically enhanced dogs trying to find a new planet called home. It is a kid’s show that is animated. I wonder what lessons there will be to learn from it.


First episode link:


Review: Show Description- Dogs are sent into space to find a new home for humans to live on. Behind the Scenes- This is a Netflix show. It stars William Jackson Harper from The Electric Company and The Good Place. My Thoughts- This is interesting and well done. It puts a lot of detail into world building and character development. I will admit, though, that it can seem cliché and a bit predictable in some places. Still, I give this four stars out of five. Long Term Prospects- I have no idea if this will last or not. Where to Find- This is a Netflix show, although the first episode is for free on YouTube as linked above


The Resort: This relates to true crime and a conspiracy to it relating to love. It is out now. This is on Peacock and is awaiting a potential review by me. Sorry that I haven’t been trying better to get this watched. I am considering it too late to watch a trailer for this anymore.


Review: (Coming later, hopefully)


Landscape with Invisible Hand: This is about teenagers who seek to save the world from aliens that control the economy. Stupid white people. Wait, these are from outer space. It has a release date of August 18, 2023. But it does sound interesting. I’ll get to the trailer for this in the next post.


Jodie: This is a spin-off of the show Daria, of which I know little about. It does not have much of a plot beyond that right now. It has no release date at this moment. I guess that I will have to find out more about this later.


A Man in Full: The plot of this relates to a mogul facing a bankruptcy and defending his empire. There’s not much else to say about this until a trailer is released. There is set for release in 2023. I guess that I’ll have to see that in the future, if it gets made.


Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania: This movie is on DVD now. It is about the characters of the Ant-Man universe exploring the quantum realm and see what all might be possible. There is a trailer for this now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: This looks cool and interesting, although it will be hard to tell for sure just how much one can make sense of the plot about it right now. I don’t quite know what all this will be about, but it looks fun and maybe isn’t into the multiverse overload that most of the MCU has been post Endgame. And I’ll have to watch and review other Ant-Man movies here sometime.


Simone Missick: She will be in a project called Hanging by a Thread. All Rise was picked up for a third season by OWN after all. I’m still including her in the updates for now, but plan to skip All Rise in the rotation of new people added to this blog (outside of confirmed former cast members and maybe the original showrunner) to avoid confusion until it ends for real in the future.


Hanging by a Thread: This has no release date or trailer yet. It is about a bipolar man who wants to enforce his medicine free ways on his nephew who is also bipolar. This seems like it could have a lesson or just be really strange. Hopefully the lesson is not what the uncle wants to have happen. This is gone from imdb so it either isn’t moving forward as a project or doesn’t have Simone Missick in it anymore. I’ll see if that changes or not.


Gary Dourdan: He is doing a lot of projects. One of them is Zero. A second is The Lost Princess. A third thing that he’s doing is The Moderator. A fourth thing that he is doing is Thebes. A fifth thing that he is doing is Mnemonix. A sixth thing that he is doing is Desdemona’s Revenge. A seventh thing that he is doing is Bonecrackers. An eighth thing is The Forfeiture Clause. That’s all of his for now.


Thebes: This is a movie about a detective looking for a missing teen from a small town and learns that there are dark secrets there and she’ll have to face her past in some way. Now while this sounds interesting, it also sounds like the plot for plenty of other movies that already exist. This has no release date or trailer yet.


Mnemonix: It is about a virus that killed half of human life while also creating a new form of life as well. It is set for release on December 22, 2024. It could be interesting, even with the unoriginal elements to it based on what is out already.


Desdemona’s Revenge: Not surprisingly, this has no release date yet. It also had no trailer at this moment either. It is about a pair of thieves and the people chasing them with the plot on imbd possibly spoiling the entirety of this short.


Bonecrackers: The plot appears to be about a crime family of sorts. It has no release date yet nor does it have a trailer. I can’t tell what all to make out about this without going too much into the potential plot. But expect a lot of deception going on with the characters.


Zero: It doesn’t have a release date yet. It does not have a trailer, but it does sound very interesting. People have ten hours to find out why they have bombs attached to themselves. It could be an interesting thriller.


The Lost Princess: This movie is about a person who is transported to the past through a vision and then leaves to find out about his past. This has no trailer yet. Its release date is currently unknown. I hope to find out more about this over time.


The Moderator: This is an Amazon Prime movie about a Russian blogger who wants to get revenge on the murder of her two friends. It is out already. I hope to be able to see it at some point sooner rather than later. But with my inability to see movies that I don’t already have and have watched already, I’m unsure when I’ll see it. There is a trailer for this that I will talk about:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: This seems like it could be an interesting film even if it goes into the whole revenge thing a bit too hard and who knows what else. Are the cops the good guys even when this woman is the protagonist and not good herself? It’s hard to know for sure. Whether or not I will see this or remove this again from the updates is unknown.


The Forfeiture Clause: This has a release date of November 23, 2023. It does not have a trailer yet. It might be a horror movie that says to be inspired by true events. We’ll see just how similar to that it might wind up being. Basically, newlyweds have a great place to live, but learn of something sinister that threatens them.


Sofia Milos: I’ll have to see what else she might do in the future. I look forward to covering what all she is doing next. She is set to appear in Astoria. That’s about it for her for now. But at least that’s something. She could be doing more.


Astoria: This has no release date yet or trailer. Set in part of Queens, it is about crime families dealing with drug running. I don’t think that I will like this and am better off without this. I don’t want to see shows or movies about drug running.


Vanessa Ferlito: She is currently set to be in Griselda. It is nice to finally see her now mentioned in something else since she hadn’t done anything for a while. So I guess we’ll see what becomes of this new project of hers. She will also be in How to be a Bookie.


Griselda: This has no release date mentioned yet. It also doesn’t yet have a trailer. But it does have a plot: Griselda Blanco created a profitable cartel. This would only be worth more of a story if this were true. Otherwise, it just sounds like bare elements of Breaking Bad but with a female lead (although it sounds very far from ripping that show off). Still, it can be hard sometimes to watch shows about criminals as I don’t like seeing terrible characters on TV.


How to be a Bookie: This has no release date yet. It also has no trailer. It is a TV show about a bookie struggling with different things in life. I need to find out more what a bookie is to better understand what this would be about.


Roselyn Sánchez: She has a major starring role in Fantasy Island. She is also starring in Gringa. Another thing that she’s currently in is ‘Til Jail Do Us Part. Those are the only things that I see of her right now. She has also appeared at times on Home Economics.


Fantasy Island: This is a remake of a show of the same name that aired a while back. It is a FOX show that is cancelled. It is a bit hard to summarize and I don’t think that I care enough about it to watch it again in the future.


Review: Fantasy Island: Why I’ve seen it- I tend to watch a new FOX show at least once nowadays. Noteworthiness- This is a remake of a show of the same name and might be set in the same universe as the new main character is said to be a descendent of the original one. Description- A woman brings people to an island with supernatural powers where they learn a life lesson under the guise of living a fantasy of theirs. Notable People- Roselyn Sánchez, from Without a Trace, among other things, is the main character of the show. Pros- It seems like a pretty decent show. It is good in enough ways. Cons- It may not be as interesting as I would like. A lot of this was confusing and didn’t make any sense to me. Some of this is too strange. Note to Parents- This has enough questionable stuff in it that probably isn’t good for kids, but some teens might be okay with it. Recommendation- I’d pass, but more because I don’t have time for it than anything. My Viewing Habits- I’ve seen the first episode and that was it. Cancellation reasons- The ratings weren’t good so they cancelled it as a result. Similar shows- none. DVD suggestion- Don’t waste your money on this. Reception: somewhat favorable. Grade: D+.


Gringa: This could instead be called Halfway to Somewhere. It is a father and daughter coming of age comedy drama. I don’t know much about it other than that it doesn’t have a release date and it has no trailer yet either.


‘Til Jail Do Us Part: This is a TV series that sounds quite interesting. It is about a group of women who have to deal with their husbands all being arrested for potentially being in the same criminal organization. It is now available to watch on Peacock.


Review: Status- Currently on Peacock. Why I’ve seen it- I wanted to review it for this blog. Description- Women who are rich friends have to deal with their husbands being arrested and other issues. Notable People- Roselyn Sánchez, from Without a Trace and Fantasy Island, is one of the characters. Pros- It is Hispanic lead. Cons- This show was pretty dumb and didn’t have much to it. You couldn’t gather much from the pilot as there wasn’t much to keep you coming back to this later. Note to Parents- This was rated TV Mature for language, sexual situations, and other things. Recommendation- Don’t spend your time on this show. My Viewing Habits- I watched the first episode and wouldn’t see more of this if I could. Prediction- This won’t last. I’m not sure of any Peacock show lasting. Reception: good. Grade: F.


Jameela Jamil: There are four things that she’s currently in right now. The first is DC League of Super-Pets. The second is She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. The third is The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight. The fourth is Pitch Perfect: Bumper in Berlin. The fifth is Poker Face. The sixth is Safe Space. That is all for now.


DC League of Super-Pets: This is on DVD now. It is about Krypto the Super-Dog having to save his master Superman after Superman was kidnapped. Is there a rule that all Illumination Films have to use the exact same animation style?


Enjoy this video:


She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: This is available now. The plot is that a woman, namely Jennifer Walters, gets Hulk like powers. Who is Jennifer Walters? I guess that I’ll have to find out or see The Hulk movie that I still haven’t seen yet if that even explains. There is a trailer for this now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: It seems like it could be a better trailer and look better than what it could be in the trailer. Maybe it will be good. I won’t know unless I wind up with Disney+ again or otherwise see this sometime. I have no idea what is with the sexist line about all women being angry. I also have no idea what’s wrong with dating in your 30s. And must there be hints about sex in this? I feel like putting a woman protagonist in any sexual situation seeks to take away from her potential power.


The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight: This is about two people who fall in love on a flight together. It has no release date yet or trailer. I have no idea just how long this is as in if this is a short or a movie. I am pretty sure this is not a TV show and would bet money that this isn’t a video game.


Pitch Perfect: Bumper in Berlin: This is a TV show based on and continuing the movie series of the same name. It is out now on Peacock. It is about Bumper moving to Germany since one of his songs becomes big there. I guess that I might have to borrow any of the movies that I can to watch them so I know who Bumper even is in the first place.


Review: Show Description- After going viral in Germany, Bumper moves there and meets new friends while dealing with new rivals. Behind the Scenes- This is part of the Pitch Perfect movie series franchise, but a TV show focusing on one of the characters. My Thoughts- It is weird and unbelievable in some places while overall interesting and entertaining in others. I give it three out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- I have no idea if it will last, but since most Peacock shows that I’m familiar with don’t, then I’m going to guess that it won’t last. Where to Find- On Peacock


Poker Face: This is currently on Peacock. I hope to review more of it later at some point in time, but am way behind on watching Peacock shows. I have one that started last year to watch and then I’ll be watching all of them that started this year.


Enjoy this review in the meantime:


Safe Space: This has no trailer yet. It also has no release date. It is about cringe worthy tales that guests tell people about. I’m guessing that this is like a talk show sort of? It’s hard to tell for sure since the description isn’t that good.


Audrey Corsa: She is currently in two things. One is Poker Face. The second is Dear Edward. There’s not much that I can say about her work other than that. No idea why she isn’t back for more of All Rise, but this is her future career now.


Poker Face: This is currently on Peacock. I hope to review more of it later at some point in time, but am way behind on watching Peacock shows. I have one that started last year to watch and then I’ll be watching all of them that started this year.


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: Eh. This looks like it could be better but might be okay. I may never know much about this series especially if I can only see the first one for free which seems to be a common theme among Peacock shows. I guess I’ll have to wait and see.


Dear Edward: This is set for release sometime in 2023. This is a TV show where a boy loses his family in a plane crash and how various lives are affected as a result. I don’t know what network this will air on, but am expecting this to be on streaming given its low episode count for a first season.


George Eads: He hasn’t done much since leaving MacGyver. He may just not want to act as much anymore, although it can be hard to tell sometimes from people to people why they aren’t in much and how much of that is by choice.


Jonathan Togo: The last thing he acted in was a Christmas TV movie back in 2018. There has been nothing else that he has done since then that I can see. I guess this leaves me with one less person to keep track of while also including more people in this blog.


Hill Harper: He has been a regular in the show The Good Doctor since it first started. He is also set to be in Junction, The Requiem Boogie, and Modern Primitives. That’s all that I see him doing for now. He might do more in the future.


The Good Doctor: This show has been on ABC for over 100 episodes so far. I like it a lot, even if it goes beyond what it should sometimes in making medical sense. Anyways, if you want to know more about the show, read this review:


The Good Doctor: Status- Currently on ABC at 10/9 Central on Mondays. Why I’ve seen it- It looked like a pretty good show to me. Noteworthiness- This is an adaptation of a South Korean show. Description- A young doctor with autism starts working with other doctors and has to overcome stigma. Notable People- Hill Harper, from CSI: New York, stars on this show as well. David Shore, the creator of House, is also the creator of this show as well. Pros- This is wonderful with well written characters, plots, and overall believable medical situations. Cons- Not all the characters are nice people. I know that happens a lot and it can be needed at times, but it can still be a problem. Note to Parents- This is mostly acceptable for kids, but there are some problems with it in terms of what age can watch. I’d say that pre-teens and older should be good with this. Recommendation- I think that everyone should watch this. My Viewing Habits- I know that I have not seen every episode, but I have watched this as much as I can over the course of time and have been a fan of this from the first episode. I missed this show for a while due to work commitments. Prediction- This is getting good ratings for now so it will stay for as long as that lasts. Reception: mixed to positive. Grade: A+.


Junction: This is a movie that I’m guessing it made up that is talking about the opioid crisis from the perspectives of a pharmaceutical company CEO, a doctor, and a patient. It has no trailer yet and has an unknown release date.


The Requiem Boogie: This has no release date or trailer yet. The plot of this on imdb needs to be improved. From what I understand of this, a star is trying to mourn the loss of his famous father, but people just want to make a reunion show instead. Could this even be a good thing in the end? I don’t know about that.


Modern Primitives: There is no plot for this known yet. There is no release date yet. There is no trailer for this yet. There is no cast outside of Hill Harper for this yet. We’ll see if anything ever becomes of this or if it just stays in development hell for a really long time, possibly forever. This isn’t on imbd anymore. This might not be moving forward as a result.


Former projects: In this section, I will keep track of shows that people in this blog used to be mentioned in as doing in some way. I might keep track of other things too. This will be used to keep track of what shows might still be on even after someone has left it in some way. Dancing with the Stars is one of these shows. Since Shad Moss’s time in it is over, I’m including The Masked Singer in this part as well.


Dancing with the Stars- This is currently on hiatus. I watched it at least once to see what it’s like and because James Van Der Beak was on it. This is a reality competition show where professional dancers team up with celebrities of sorts.


Review: Status- Currently on Disney+. Why I’ve seen it- I watched it since James Van Der Beek was in a season of it. Description- Celebrities team up with professional dancers to compete on a live show. Notable People- Carrie Ann Inaba, who was on The Talk, is a judge on the show. Pros- It can be better and more interesting than one might think, giving its genre. Cons- Too much time is wasted on this show due to set up to dances and other competitions. Note to Parents- Outside of sometimes inappropriate outfits, there might not be too much bad in the show, although you’d have to watch for yourself. Recommendation- This isn’t too bad, but isn’t outstanding either. The main reason why one wouldn’t want to watch it would be time commitment to other things. Prediction- This will probably keep lasting. Reception: good. Grade: B-.


The Masked Singer: I knew it was only a matter of time before someone that I covered in one of the cast updates was on this show. Thus, I’m going to include a review here. If I had to guess that anyone from any show I do cast updates of was going to appear on this show, I knew that it would probably be Shad Moss before it would be anyone else.


The Masked Singer review: Status- Currently on hiatus. Why I’ve seen it- It turns out that Shad Moss, whose career I follow for a blog, was on the show so I watched it to see what it was like. Noteworthiness- This is adapted from a South Korean show and is the first non Asian adaptation of the show. Description- Different celebrities in masks compete on a singing show where the loser gets unmasked. While all get unmasked at some point, the winner goes the longest without this fate. Notable People- Ken Jeong, from Community and Dr. Ken, is a judge on the show. Pros- This doesn’t have as bad a voting problem as other reality competition shows since what we see is always pretaped. Even if they aren’t professional singers, they can still be good. Cons- Some have complained that the results of voting is too random and can eliminate great professional singers from the game. Too much of this seems wasted on the banter between the judges and host or trying to guess the identities of the singers. Note to Parents- I haven’t seen enough of this to know if it is bad, but my guess is that this is something the whole family could watch. Recommendation- I think that it is a good show in the end and worth keeping up with if you don’t care much about anything else. My Viewing Habits- I saw this once in the third season before watching it a lot again in the fourth and fifth season. I don’t know yet if I will see it again due to scheduling conflicts. I probably won’t watch it again since someone was on it that I didn’t like at all to the point of wanting to give the show up forever as a result. Prediction- This will probably last quite a while since it is said to be the most watched show now. Reception: somewhat mixed. Grade: B-.


In order to keep track of new people, this post will share the theme songs from CSI: Miami to the point where I need to share new people in either this blog or my one in Elementary again. I plan to do this until I’ve shared the remaining ones of them in this blog and I’ve caught up with it as a result.


CSI: Miami season 7 theme song:




Out now- Gossip Girl (on HBO Max), Dogs in Space (on Netflix), MacGruber (on Peacock), Severance (on Apple TV+), Curb Your Enthusiasm (on HBO), The Resort (on Peacock), DC’s League of Super-Pets, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (on Disney+), The Good Doctor (on ABC at 10/9 Central on Mondays), ‘Til Jail Do Us Part (on Peacock), CSI: Vegas (on CBS at 10/9 Central on Thursdays), Zootopia+ (on Disney+), The School for Good and Evil (on Netflix), The Moderator (on Amazon Prime), The Masked Singer (on FOX at 8/7 Central on Wednesdays), Pitch Perfect: Bumper in Berlin (on Peacock), The People We Hate at the Wedding (on Amazon Prime), Poker Face (on Peacock), Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (on DVD), Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, John Wick Chapter 4 (on DVD), Florida Man (on Netflix)


Currently on hiatus- Dancing with the Stars, Family Game Fight


Cancelled: Fantasy Island


Possibly out somehow- High Desert


August 18, 2023- Landscape with Invisible Hand


November 23, 2023- The Forfeiture Clause


Unknown 2023- Dear Edward, Blacksmith, A Man in Full, The Sterling Affairs


September 13, 2024- Transformers One


December 22, 2024- Mnemonix


Unknown 2024- The Amateur


Unknown year- Eat Your Heart Out, Hurt People, No Better Place to Die, Rendlesham, Spearfinger, Wake, Molly and the Moon, Sneaks, Hanging by a Thread, Thebes, Desdemona’s Revenge, Bonecrackers, Un$uited, Rumble Through the Dark, Antibody Heat, Slingshot, Long December, Griselda, Gringa, Home Delivery, Black Water Transit, The Lost Princess, The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, Investors, Megalopolis, Frank & Louis, Jodie, Astoria, Gonzo Girl, The Requiem Boogie, Modern Primitives, How to be a Bookie, Boston Strangler, Boy Swallows Universe, Junction, Safe Space, Cellar Door, The Astronaut, The Little Bedroom, Zero