Saturday, July 22, 2023

Recess: School’s Out Recap of Fenwick

While it was hard for me to best keep track of the character of Fenwick when I first watched this movie to do a blog post about, that character is still getting a post in this blog as I recap just his part in the movie. Please enjoy this post.


We begin with him with the group of people taking over a building and is told that they are to go to Third Street School to set up their base since it is the last place that they would expect them to be. I’m not sure if that makes sense, but that’s okay by me.


Later, he shows his boss the principal’s office at the school that used to be that person’s. At another night test of their experiment, Fenwick tries to explain to his boss the problems with his bullheadedness. When the kids are noticed, Benedict tells his minions to give chase.


Fenwick isn’t seen much again until the climax of the movie. He is told to fix a power outage that Gretchen caused. The problem is fixed and he is still around, but not really present or fighting much, at least seen on camera, with the fight at the end. He is arrested at the end, even being called a squealer by Randall. That’s all that he’s seen in this movie.


I can’t think of much else to say about his role in the movie as I finish this post. It doesn’t make sense for me to add much more and I figured that this is the best time to post this so I might as well cover the topic of school being out since it is July now. I hope that you enjoyed this recap. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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