Saturday, July 8, 2023

Tech: Explaining the Blogging Hiatus Starting in February of 2023

Well, it’s finally here. I’m finally explaining why nearly all of my blogs came to a dead stop in February of 2023 and it took me this long to return to my blogs. While I could have posted a lot more of them much sooner and certainly should have for my blogs on Survivor and CSI: Vegas as they are ongoing shows, I just didn’t care as much with all that was going on in my life and what else there is was for me to try to stay caught up on outside of this blog.


Basically, I still updated my Fadam Secretary blog because if the Madam Secretary blog goes on hiatus, that one has to be updated in its stead. I had all of the posts locked in place having to be updated for my blog on The Good Fight so that’s why it went nowhere this whole time. I still plan to move the cheats that force that blog to be updated to another blog at some point in time. That would mean that whatever other blog would have these cheats would have to be updated during a time where there would be a hiatus going on again unless there is nothing that would have these cheats apply to them as that is a possibility at times.


Note that I wanted to stay more updated on my blogs on CSI: Vegas and Survivor since both are shows that still air meaning that it would be terrible not to have updates of them. I got a few updates of my CSI: Vegas blog in, but ultimately didn’t get as much done as I could have. I got none of my Survivor blog done for quite some time and it was still behind from the last hiatus.


Now that I’ve done a good job burying the lead, why did I stop updating my blogs? Well, my mother went to the hospital because she almost died. She’s fine now, but I didn’t want to do this blog during a crisis like that. I was still able to work in the meantime having missed hardly any of it. When my mom was able to return home, there wound up being a long time that I had to change the usual aspects of my life before I was able to go back to normal more or less.


Even while this was largely only affecting just February and later March, I still wasn’t returning to most of my blogs until much later when my hands were more or less forced to return them to what they were and me still not being able to follow my own rules since I brought back my TV blog and got the ball rolling with trying to get either caught up or more on point to where I want it to be. Some posts have to be updated on certain dates. Others, I’ll get caught up when I can.


I’m not even sure if my life disruptions will be done or not. My mother is set to have surgery in August and I am even planning to miss work in order to help out around that time. I don’t know how much I’ll want to spend on blogging around that time and can only hope that I can get things scheduled on time if there isn’t much else that I can do. I could always cheat and have updates published after they were supposed to go up even though they weren’t at the time. I did that once so will again if I had to.


How have all of my blogs been affected? Well, I was nice enough to do a post saying that I was on hiatus for every blog except one where I felt that there was no logically place to put that at. This left my TV blog to return to Sundays where it had left, my Madam Secretary blog to return on Fridays where I had last left it, and this blog to return on Saturdays where it was last left updated.


My Good Wife blog is in kind of a limbo because it was last updated at the last logical time for me to put it at and it just so happened to say that I didn’t know when the next update would be so I felt that I had an out for not updating it. I am planning to rig an update so that my Good Wife blog will be updated at a certain place in time and it can go back to a normal time.


I forget if there are any other blogs worth posting updates about in this blog. I’ll just go back to what I need to do in my mind and hope that I can get all done that I need to. I’ll even be starting a new blog when the show Elsbeth starts so that will be fun to keep track of. I will keep my Wednesdays free for my Survivor blog, Thursdays free for Elsbeth, and Sundays free for CSI: Vegas. This might be a good thing that the writer’s strike is going on and at least the start of CSI: Vegas will be delayed until after football if the schedule that I last checked winds up being true.


There have been a lot of changes to my blogs and we’ll see what all else might change in the future as well. There is a lot to keep track of and I’m just not sure what all will happen. At the very least, I hope to be updated completely on my blogs on Survivor and CSI: Vegas before either of those shows return. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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