Saturday, May 21, 2016

Season 2 Episode 7

Well, this show was officially cancelled. At least I remembered to add this little blurb at the beginning of this blog post before I get into the rest of it. Anyways, starting with the 13th episode of this season, I'll post the rest of the episodes at a faster pace than I have been in the past. Then, you'll see a special post before I come up with a new way of continuing this blog. You should see updates in this blog every Saturday for the near future. Well, that's the plan at least. Things could change. Just keep in mind that whenever you don't see an update, that would mean that a different blog of mine got an update. But I will be back with the rest of the season before I come up with a new format for the blog. I'll explain more than.

Sports delays can be really confusing when it comes to my TV show watching. It’s already confusing to watch most shows out of order. (To be funny, I should do things out of order in this blog post or any of them, but you see them out of order anyways.) What I find interesting about this week’s episode was that in my region, the football game they were showing was replaced with another football game that was more interesting. I don’t know how often this happens. Meanwhile, I was too distracted to see the final score of the game originally, but I’m hoping that I’ll catch it on the news.

Here’s a paragraph that I felt was worth posting in multiple blogs. On the 13th of November (which was incidentally a Friday for all you superstitious people) a bad event happened. There were terrorist bombings in France. The news talked about how this could affect football games over the weekend. It could also potentially affect various programs on TV. While it doesn’t matter in the long run if shows are affected due to current events, I will keep an eye out for potential changes in these blogs.

Now don’t think that I have low priorities because I’m pointing out that live events can mess with the airing of shows. This blog is about a TV show so it seems only fair for me to tell you about these changes. Typically, networks accommodate what they can. Lots of shows affected by and after 9/11 went on with some changes as seen fit. I remember after the Sandy Hook shooting that there was some affecting of the Survivor episode (the 25th season finale), but they showed the whole episode and only messed up recordings for those with DVR (which wouldn’t have happened anyways since there was a football game that cut into the episode that night as well).

Now I should get to a better introduction for this blog post. Sorry if you don’t like my ramblings. But, I do have other blogs that I ramble in as well. The reason this one is delayed is due to football, which I already told you about. Plus, I had to poop so I wasn’t able to start watching when I would have wanted to start. But I did make sure to put it on VHS simply because my first official episode hasn’t aired yet (that’s the one that has neither of my CBS affiliates on tape delay) so I could still blog about it in the future. Well, the future is now.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 56 minute delay. We begin with someone who thinks she is about to get engaged, but instead she gets murdered. A person tries talking about the murdered person. He appears to have some sort of mental problem possibly. The victim is named Isabelle. They look through evidence of the case. Avery continues talking to the witness. There are some problems with him that make it seem like something isn’t right with him.

The second part brings us the focus of today’s episode: malware- software used to gather sensitive information or gain access to private computer systems. Finally, something that I’ve actually heard about is mentioned as the main part of the episode. Tristan is the person that they are talking to. It was a sex toy that caused the problem with malware to happen. This brings a whole new meaning to the phrase internet sex. Apparently cyber rape is real. Suddenly I understand why people hate this show. But, it could be real, although I really hope that it isn’t. Daniel buys a sex toy that has the same malware on it. Brody has problems with a blast from his past: a brother of his. Avery talks more to Tristan. Brody and Daniel uncover that this problem with malware is widespeard. This is around when I start watching so I’ll let my past self take over for most of the rest of this blog post.

While it was around the 10:20 that I started watching, I’ll pretty much start this blog post around the time the next part began after that. They are looking for information about Isabelle, the victim. Brody is trying to find their target but is unable to. A hack from earlier is brought back up. They are looking for the killer and find that their suspect was a neighbor to Isabelle. Tristan is the suspect. I think that it is too soon to know who the killer is. But maybe not.

The next part has Avery profiling the suspect at hand. Hopefully, as usual, I’ll be able to understand the whole episode once I’m able to see it all. Regretfully, I missed out on a scene after I started watching since I edit out commercials when I do. That’s as simple as not recording them. They are more convinced throughout the scene that Tristan is probably their killer, but are unable to find him right now. Maybe he is the killer and the rest of the episode is about finding him and getting his story. Also, since I’m actually remembering names this time, it seems likely that I’ll remember who he is when I’m watching the first part later. It turns out that Tristan isn’t the killer. He was trying to help Isabelle, but failed.

The next part has a video from Isabelle. It was originally deleted, but then they found it back again. There is a 0% match on DNA that Brody tests. He then talks with a man on the phone that must have been from earlier in the episode. Tristan confronts the suspect while Avery uses the internet to talk him out of becoming a vigilante. But then there is a sudden twist that I don’t fully understand. I’m going back to the normal font of this blog for a moment to add something. I guess that the suspect was shot by someone else although we’ll see both Tristan and the shooter in court.

One update before I get to the last paragraph is that I’m talking about an episode that I’m not ultimately blogging about. It’s possible that I will blog about it and various other episodes from this season in possible rewatches of the show in the future. But it probably relates to Python whom I know we will see again in a blog post that I’m doing later.

On the next CSI: Cyber, the team is looking for a serial killer or some sort of recurring villain that might have been from a previous episode that I don’t remember. Of course, you might have already seen my post about that episode. Seeing things out of order can be confusing. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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