Tuesday, January 11, 2022

A Christmas Proposal Review

It is good that I’m caught up on this blog in terms of the cast updates so that I knew a TV movie was going to air on CBS starring Adam Rodriguez, although the promos for it revealed that anyways. While I know that it is a Christmas movie, I’m not starting a thread of random posts of this blog in Decembers yet as I’m going to post this in January instead as that isn’t too far off. I hope that you readers of this blog don’t mind the delay. I just want an easy post done without having to start any more yet.

I’m going to be a bit off topic for a while as I talk about what will happen before this show is airing. They are planning to air it during a double header during football with a planned start time of 7:30. So what will happen and will it start at that time? Let’s see.

It was after 4 when I saw some of the game that was on. It was the Tampa Bay Buccaneers against the Buffalo Bills. The Buccaneers were winning by a whole lot until the Bills filled the gap and manage to tie the game, forcing it to go into overtime. This is what both of my CBS affiliates were showing. But the Bills, despite having possession at the start of overtime, lost the ball and the Buccaneers wound up winning the game in the end after a long game that delayed the already planned delayed start of the rest of CBS primetime.

If you ask me, any team that loses possession of a ball during overtime deserves to lose the game. The Bills were doing terribly in the first half and were the first team since 1991 to not have a running back in possession of the ball the entire first half. I know that under an old way of doing overtime that it wasn’t always possible for the other team to have possession. I don’t even know what the old way was like. I only really started caring about football after the National Anthem protests made me want to see it more to spite those that gave it up or didn’t like it now. Although, I did watch the end of games before primetime in order to see what delays of shows would be. Expect a bit more updates about football in this blog and, possibly, the one on CSI: Vegas.

Today’s post is brought to you by ~29 minute delay. And that was on top of the planned 30 minutes. We begin with a woman trying to start a food truck business. Things aren’t going well for her as the people she was with decides that they don’t want her long term. She had quit her other job.

This woman is chasing her food truck dreams. What a weird dream. Are restaurants not better? This is a G rated movie, which is fine, but could easily get boring. Julian is a man involved with this somehow. He doesn’t want to show up late to an event. This woman is working for a ride sharing company called Driven. I guess they had to make one up. Her name is Maria and she picks up Julian when deciding to accept the ride. She is going to miss the party that she wanted to go to as she will have to go far out of her way to get him to where he needs to go. He missed his train.

He wants her to text even though she is driving. They drive for a long while and talk about what all is going in their lives. When are they going to have sex? Wait. This is G rated. When are they going to make out? Will we have to wait until the end like we normally do? He wants to show up late for the event for some reason so he goes to a restaurant with her and they eat food, just like you.

They bond on what might be a date? He doesn’t like her name for this food truck idea unless she had abandoned it for a restaurant after all. He talks about his family and leaves for a phone call. Maria, in the meantime, talks to a chef there and offers him advice. Julian learns that his brother Benet is being picked for something by his father. Julian wants to quit the firm and take his clients with him. Look who thinks that he’s Alicia Florrick.

He arrives at a place at one point where he talks with Maria and they seem to part ways. She has to come right back when she notices his phone in her car. She can’t find him in this place and she finds the family there arriving. She is mistaken for the surprise. He decides to play along and call her his girlfriend. They talk about how they had dinner together.

They leave to talk to each other privately and he talks about smoozing his family. He wants her to go along with the ruse for a while until they both get what they want out of this from each other. She does not want to be fast talked. She decides to spend the night. Wow. It is weird just how quickly she is going to spend the night with a man she just meant. Totally G rated. And that was nearly 30 minutes without a break. Look who thinks that it’s an award show.

The second part has more weirdness with them actually in separate bedrooms which a lot of them would actually like to prefer. There were issues with the party and Maria abandoned. She doesn’t think that she’s doing the right thing since she isn’t being honest. Her friend tells her to take a chance.

The next day, Julian talks to his family like his brother Benet by wondering where his sister-in-law and niblings (gender neutral for niece or nephew) are. He talks to Maria and leaves with her with them preparing to do a power date under the guise of going cross country skiing.

The third part has Maria and Julian going more with their fake back story with him having them pose for a picture on skis. He uses some of his lawyer ways to tell them that they met by chance. He promised that he would not let her fall. They do more of this story area and she does like his joke. She even does her own part in doing this as well. Why are lawyers often portrayed as dishonest anyways?

There is a bit of a montage going on with this. They think that the day was fun and they have a lot of this nailed down. They just met and are getting nailed. She hates the word ointment most. Moist. I wonder why some people hate certain words. Moist.

Back at the family place, she has a meal made and takes their phone away so they aren’t distracted at all with this. This also could prevent them from texting each other. One of the family gets a call after there is some talk about their relationship. Uncle Bill is brought up. Julian has to teach her more of what is going on with that. She is then invited to help with hosting a gala and cook there. There is more going on with that. I can’t tell more of what’s going on with some of the other stories going on here. Maria is going to have to spend the day with his sister. She will have to spend more time there.

The fourth part has the men dealing with Pendergast? Is that the name of the place that is important and they want to sell? Or not sell? While on her outing, the sister of Julian talks about being gay, which I didn’t know was allowed in G rated things, but good for them and society. There is more about the one date from earlier. Daphne, which I think is the name of the sister, reveals that Julian had an ex that had broken his heart. He confesses this later after having told Maria that she wasn’t in love before. He was even engaged to this woman, Sarah, but she didn’t show up to a small wedding he wanted.

More goes on after some gingerbread house decoration. Daphne talks to her mother some after the others leave. Maria is taken to Pendergast with Uncle Bill talking about the hardware store. What just seems like a hardware store could be much more. She then Skypes or whatever with her friend named Brooklyn. Does Skype still exist? There is more and more to this lie going on. But when are they going to make out? This has to happen at some point.

Maria is given tickets to the Nutcracker to go to with Julian. The chef from earlier decides that he likes the food suggestion that Maria made. Well, it was him or some other woman who worked there. She and Julian kiss under the mistletoe. Apparently no one told mistletoe about the #MeToo movement. People have to consent after all.

The fifth part has people noticing more of what’s going on with Maria with Benet noticing that her car has ride sharing going on. There are issues with Benet and his family. Of course there are. Why wouldn’t there be? The two of them talk to Uncle Bill some about what’s going on. A deal is given a deadline of midnight on Christmas Eve. Why is it always midnight? And do these holiday event deadlines happen in movies that aren’t taking place on Christmas?

Benet sees some of Maria’s phone at some point and notices that she took Julian on a ride. She is busy watching the Nutcracker and getting emotional some at this. Benet wants to talk to his father about something. Maria talks to Julian. He thinks that he couldn’t have gotten through this holiday without her as a car interrupts a truer kiss from happening. She sleeps with her ideas on an app.

Brooklyn shows up with people expecting here. But a family meeting is going on in the kitchen. There is a secret going on. Benet has been separated from Cindy for a while. Daphne doesn’t want to go to law school. There shouldn’t be any more secrets, but Julian’s isn’t known yet. Maria thinks that he might be in love and tells Brooklyn about this. He might feel the same way. What would have happened if she doesn’t follow up with this? I guess we might not know for sure.

The sixth part has it revealed that the building is being sold, I think. At least Uncle Bill is happy. He took the deal. Julian just wanted to do his part. But this is causes issues with Benet due to the potential for stepping on toes or something like that. He doesn’t want to be competing with his brother. Maria wants to reveal her true feelings, but Daphne shows up and prevents this honest conversation because of course it does. Daphne wants to join doctors without borders.

At a special place or the same restaurant from earlier because they have to keep the filming in the same covid bubble or something like that, Brooklyn is shown a guy there. Julian wants to give Maria a check that is blank to cover whatever costs she needs, but she doesn’t want to accept the money. Julian gets control of the firm, which Benet doesn’t like. Benet knows some of what is going on. Maria couldn’t admit that she has true feelings for Julian. She admits that she was for hire and leaves in tears with the check left for Julian. How is a paid girlfriend only a G rated movie? He confesses the truth to his father about what he meant to do and goes after Maria.

He drives through the snow because of course there is snow now you snow? (Word doesn’t like my pun and underlined it in blue. I still don’t know what a blue underline means.) Anyways, he sees a photo of a food truck on the ground but doesn’t see her.

The seventh part has Maria back at some place of some sort and she’s talking to Brooklyn. Maria does not think that she will find a soul mate. She hears Nutcracker music coming out of a truck near her house. Manny from earlier also shows up to talk to Brooklyn since he didn’t get her number. She does not want the food truck that he came her with. He admits that he told his family the truth. He then confesses his love for Maria and they make out officially towards the end. They want to finally have their first real date with the family watching and waiting in the wings. This is just the beginning. Or maybe not since that is how the movie ends.

This was a rather dull and generic movie. Not bad, per say, but unoriginal and boring. Even if it weren’t for the football delay, I doubt that this would have gotten good ratings. I wouldn’t have bothered with it were it not something that I felt I had to review for this blog. There’s not much else to say. I don’t think that this was a waste of time, but it also wasn’t something worth seeing either. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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